Join the Party

Being a member of the Canberra Liberals offers you direct access to our Parliamentary Team, the opportunity to shape Party policy at both a federal and ACT level, and the ability to be involved in directly selecting Liberal candidates.

We value the input and ideas of all members, who play an important role in keeping us in touch with the Canberra community.

Apply to join here

As a member of the Liberal Party you:

  • share, advocate and evolve a common set of political beliefs with fellow Liberal members;
  • work towards the election of Liberal Governments at Federal and Territory levels; and
  • contribute to the policy and direction of Liberal Governments, current and future.

As a member you can:

  • attend and participate in local branch meetings;
  • receive Party information and publications such as the Weekly Update;
  • participate in the setting of the policies of the Canberra Liberals;
  • vote and participate in meetings of the Divisional Council;
  • regularly meet and talk to Liberal Members of Parliament and the Legislative Assembly;
  • participate in the selection of candidates for election; and
  • nominate as a Liberal candidate for election.

Membership of the Canberra Liberals is open to:

  • Australian citizens 16 or older
  • Other persons eligible to vote in Australian elections (eg some British subjects)
  • Migrants who have applied for Australian citizenship
  • People living outside the ACT can join as Interstate Members with restricted voting rights
  • Members of other political parties cannot join. Former members of other political parties will be considered on a case by case basis. All applications are subject to approval by the Management Committee.


Members are automatically members of the Electorate Branch of the ACT Legislative Assembly electorate in which they live. The branches are:

  • Brindabella Electorate Branch
  • Ginninderra Electorate Branch
  • Kurrajong Electorate Branch
  • Murrumbidgee Electorate Branch
  • Yerrabi Electorate Branch

As well you may join:

  • Liberal Women’s Council
  • Young Liberal Movement

People resident of Norfolk Island may also join the Norfolk Island Interest Branch.