Bola Olatunbosun
Candidate for Fenner

Hi, I’m Bola.

I was born in Nigeria and came to Canberra over ten years ago to study at UC. I loved the place so much that my husband and I decided to make this our home, and we now live in Moncrieff with our three children.

I have spent many years in community-based organisations, looking after the elderly and disadvantaged, young people at risk, and people living with disabilities. I have a strong commitment to community action to help others and to the rights of those not as fortunate as myself.

People have asked me: “Bola, why are you a Liberal?” The answer is simple and obvious: the values of the Liberal Party are my values – they are the values of family, community, and personal responsibility. How could I not be a Liberal!

I am running in Fenner because I believe that our community has been forgotten. We are taken for granted and, as such, we miss out on so much. How can we have two town centres and no hospital? While I support the walk-in clinic, it’s just not good enough, especially as this is the fastest-growing part of the ACT.

As a wife and mother, I understand the cost of living pressures that affect our families. I worry that my own kids won’t be able to afford even a modest house or apartment. This is not the future that we want or deserve for our families.

I believe that we can do much better. I believe that it is time for a real change. I believe that it’s time to get Australia back on track.

I’d love to hear from you, if you want to help out on my campaign, or even if you just want to have a chat.