The Canberra Liberals welcome the decision by the Labor-Greens Government to dump their plans to bulldoze Cooleman Park and replace it with a carpark.
The community have been fighting hard to protect their park, and the Liberals have stood alongside them the whole way.
Liberal Member for Murrumbidgee Giulia Jones said this government backdown is a win for the community.
“The community made clear their opposition to this development. It is pleasing to see that the Labor-Greens Government has finally and reluctantly listened to the community,” Mrs Jones said.
Liberal Member for Murrumbidgee Jeremy Hanson lamented the extent to which the community had to go to fight this proposal and believes Mr Steel should apologise.
“It is beyond disappointing that this proposal was taken to this late stage, in spite for the clear community opposition,” Mr Hanson said.
“Mr Steel should apologise to the community for the anxiety and stress he has caused them,” Mr Hanson concluded.