​Labor-Greens target for women’s safety remains low


Three years since first raising the issue, Shadow Minister for Women Nicole Lawder has expressed disappointment that the ACT Government’s target for women feeling safe at night in public places is a measly 40 per cent.

“It’s frustrating that after raising this issue three years ago we are again revisiting the same debate,” said Ms Lawder.

“The Minister’s argument that this target is reflective of the national statistics for women feeling safe at night doesn’t stack up.

“This isn’t Sydney or Melbourne. Canberra is a smaller city and the Government should be aiming higher when it comes to women’s safety.

“Perhaps the Minster should focus more on working with her colleague Minister Steel to fix the broken streetlights, reduce the waiting times for public transport users and improve basic local services.

“Research shows women feel less safe in areas of poor lighting, litter, graffiti and with little community police presence.

“Practical and simple measures must be taken to help women feel safe at night in public places,” Ms Lawder concluded.