Canberra Liberals call for Territory Rights


Canberra Liberals Leader, Elizabeth Lee, has called on Federal Parliament to allow the ACT the right to debate and legislate on the issue of voluntary assisted dying.

Ms Lee co-signed and supported the tri-partisan motion brought to the Legislative Assembly today.

“The ACT Legislative Assembly is democratically elected by the people of Canberra and should have the right to legislate on this matter on behalf of Canberrans,” said Ms Lee.

“We are members of the community that we serve; and we are in this chamber because we were elected by thousands of Canberrans to be their voice in their parliament; our parliament.

“I have raised this matter with the Prime Minister at our last meeting and I will continue to raise this matter with him.

“The issue of voluntary assisted dying is not an easy one. The Canberra Liberals acknowledge and respect the very diverse views on voluntary assisted dying in the ACT Community.

“I have made it very clear from the outset, as was made clear in the last term, that should this chamber be given the right to legislate on voluntary assisted dying, it will be a matter for a conscience vote for the Canberra Liberals,” Ms Lee concluded.