​Ministers should correct the record and apologise following false veteran claim


During a recent debate on veterans’ suicide in the Assembly, ACT Veterans’ Affairs Assistant Minister Emma Davidson was falsely acknowledged by Minister Tara Cheyne as a veteran.

Ms Davidson did not correct the record and allowed the false statement to stand. This is insensitive and inappropriate, and I call on both ministers to correct the record and apologise to veterans.

During the debate on veterans’ suicide in the Assembly on Wednesday 31 March, Ms Cheyne said, “I acknowledge especially Ms Davidson and the power of her voice as a minister and as a veteran.”

Although speaking immediately following Ms Cheyne, Ms Davidson allowed the claim that she is a veteran to stand.

A number of veterans who were watching or have become aware of her speech have raised the issue with me as a matter of concern.

Their understanding is that Ms Davidson is not a veteran and for ministers to make such a false claim, or to let the claim remain uncorrected, during a debate on veterans’ suicide is both misleading and has created mistrust in the veteran community.

I call on both ministers to correct the record and apologise to veterans for any offence at the earliest opportunity.