Mark Parton to raise awareness for Canberrans sleeping rough in Vinnies CEO Sleepout


Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness Mark Parton will be participating in his fifth Vinnies CEO Sleepout on June 17th, at the National Arboretum.

Mr Parton said this week’s freezing temperatures is a stark reminder of how harsh the weather is for Canberran’s sleeping rough each winter.

“There is an estimated 191 Canberrans sleeping rough each night in the ACT, and these icy, windy conditions make it really hard to function,” said Mr Parton.

“Participating in the Sleepout is not about replicating homelessness, but instead to bring awareness for those sleeping rough in our community.

“We know that there are 2,815 people on the public housing waitlist in Canberra, many of whom are sleeping in cars, couch surfing or homeless until they get the call.

“After 20 years of Labor-Green government, the under supply and poor maintenance of our public housing is leaving vulnerable Canberrans on the streets.

“We have a public housing crisis here in the ACT. Labor and the Greens must act now,” Mr Parton concluded.