​New planning system must be simpler


The ACT Labor-Greens Government has finally admitted that their planning system is flawed, beyond repair and in need of being re-written.

Shadow Minister for Planning Peter Cain said that the new planning system must be clear, concise, and incorporate the character of existing suburbs.

“It’s obvious that there is a huge disconnect between the current planning laws and community expectations,” Mr Cain said.

“The community have clearly expressed concerns about the quality and character of new development in Canberra. They also want to see genuine community consultation and not just lip service.

“There is a delicate balance to strike, and the current laws just aren’t cutting it.

“The Labor-Greens Government’s poor planning laws will leave a lasting legacy on our city.

“The reality is that the planning system as it currently stands was designed and implemented by this Labor-Greens Government, so it will be difficult for Canberrans to trust that they will get this right.

“The Canberra Liberals welcome an overhaul of the planning system. However, any new planning system must genuinely serve our community. We look forward to seeing the finer details,” Mr Cain concluded.