Labor-Greens Government just doesn’t understand business


The Labor-Greens Government’s stubborn refusal to lift crippling hospitality restrictions will send businesses broke while Canberrans continue to cross the border for a night out, Shadow Business Minister Leanne Castley said today.

While welcoming news that non-essential retail can trade from Friday, hospitality venues are still choked by having only 50 patrons outside or 25 indoors.

“The Chief Minister is sending businesses broke with his constant dithering and rule changes which show he hasn’t a clue when it comes to business,” Ms Castley said.

“Business needs certainty and all this government serves up is confusion.

“Look at the so called choice Mr Barr has imposed on hospitality venues. Those with a large outdoor space obviously want to use it for 50 customers but if they book out for a Friday night and it rains, they have to cancel, when they could have catered for 25 people inside.

“Businesses must be allowed to have inside and outside patrons with no cap so long as they adhere to one person per four square metres inside and one person per two square metres outside, in line with NSW.”

Ms Castley said the government rants about protecting jobs but forgets that to protect jobs you need to protect small business.

“The government’s disregard and neglect of small business has been a disgrace,” she said.