Canberra Liberals call for additional services to assist those affected by storm damage


Severe storm activity earlier in the week has seen many Canberra residents without power for a prolonged period and with substantial damage to their homes, cars, and gardens, not to mention our neighbourhoods.

The Canberra Liberals call on the ACT Labor-Greens Government to make arrangements immediately to help those impacted by storm damage.

Some services which could assist residents in affected suburbs include additional:

  • green bin runs in the coming days and weeks
  • normal bin runs so that residents can dispose of spoilt and rotten food as a result of power outages
  • gutter cleaning to stop debris washing into our stormwater system and into our waterways
  • footpath and road sweeping to help clear debris and make sure residents, including those with mobility issues, can safely walk through their neighbourhoods.

Our City Services have already been hard at work, and the government needs to bolster them with the resources they need to get neighbourhoods tidied up and to support residents.

A big vote of thanks must go to our SES workers who have done an amazing job. Also in many suburbs, residents have chipped in and done fantastic work moving trees and debris off roads and footpaths.