Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee is calling on the Labor-Greens government to come clean to the community about the “suspected improper conduct in ACT government procurement processes” as the ACT’s Integrity Commission calls for building tenderers to come forward with any suspicion about corrupt conduct.
The explosive announcement by the Integrity Commission follows a scathing report from the Auditor-General regarding the procurement process for the Campbell Primary School Project which was tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly on 22 December last year.
Ms Lee said this is an extremely serious matter that highlights significant issues of probity in the procurement process for this project.
“The Chief Minister and his government must respond to the damning report,” Ms Lee said.
“The Auditor-General concluded that the procurement process lacked probity and that the ACT Education Directorate did not deal with the tenderers fairly, impartially and consistently.
“The matters raised in the report are serious enough for the Integrity Commission to put out a call to businesses in the building and construction industry to come forward with information relating to suspected improper conduct in ACT Government procurement processes.
“It is essential that government treats all procurement processes impartially and are transparent when it comes to spending taxpayers’ money.
“This is an extraordinary announcement by the Integrity Commission and this Labor-Greens government must provide a full response to the scathing assessment of its procurement processes,” Ms Lee concluded.