Labor-Greens Government not providing housing choice for Canberrans


Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee is today calling on the Labor-Greens Government to stop their deliberate, long-term restrictions on land supply to provide more housing choices to Canberrans.

Ms Lee says that the ACT Government’s Indicative Land Release Program shows that 70 per cent of land released for new housing over the next five years is assigned to high density apartment buildings.

“We know Canberrans want genuine choice when it comes to housing as highlighted by the ‘Winton Report’ but this Labor-Greens Government is not giving them that opportunity.

“There is a significant undersupply of family homes and medium density options like townhouses, and the result is an absolutely unaffordable housing market.

“The Minister’s response that the Labor-Greens Government is only responsible for two per cent of the property market is an attempt to absolve herself and the government of all responsibility on Canberra’s housing crisis.

“Canberrans know that the ACT Labor-Greens Government controls 100 per cent of the land release for new housing.

“If they are restricting the supply of land for the types of housing that they know people want, of course the price will go up.

“Labor and the Greens have had more than 20 years to plan for the sustainable growth of our city, and they have failed.

“This Labor-Greens government cannot keep dragging its feet and shirking responsibility for the crisis we are in. It is unacceptable,” Ms Lee concluded.