Greens vote against support for Ukraine


In an extraordinary move, the Greens in the ACT voted against a bi-partisan motion supporting the people of Ukraine and the companies that are supplying the tools for them to continue their fight.

The motion was triggered when Greens member Jo Clay visited the Australian War Memorial, only to return to the Assembly and launch an attack against the ‘dark elements’ at the Memorial, going on to single out Lockheed Martin, suppliers of the Javelin system used in Ukraine.

“My motion was very simple. It was to affirm support Canberra’s defence industry sector; and to support the Australian federal government and others in their provision of equipment to enable Ukraine to defend their people,” Mr Hanson said.

“This was a motion, thankfully, supported and passed by ACT Labor and the Canberra Liberals.

“Unfortunately, the extreme fringe of the Greens party refused, doubling down on their bizarre world view.

“This is not an armchair debate. The world is facing real challenges, with real deaths and catastrophic suffering. Civilians are being targeted and the toll of the terror is unthinkable.

“The Greens response was a rambling, incoherent mess, and an embarrassment to the Assembly.

“From the comfort of their inner city branch meetings, it is disgusting for the Greens to tell the brave defenders of Ukraine that they should not receive western aid, and should be doing more diplomacy.

“It shows just how childish, extreme and dangerous the Greens really are. They may do no real harm while Andrew Barr keeps them in check, but they are a reckless risk to security and should be ashamed of their entitled, elitist views while so many are fighting for their very lives,” Mr Hanson concluded.