Labor-Greens government botch Parkwood border issue


Shadow Minister for Planning and Land Management Peter Cain has highlighted the poor planning outcomes at the Parkwood development in Ginninderry.

The statement follows a report from the Auditor-General into the Parkwood service delivery arrangements, that found the Labor-Greens Government were falling well behind on meeting its objectives.

The report found a Steering Committee established to oversee service delivery had not met in over 18 months, where it then failed to provide its promised annual work program. This occurred while ACT Government agencies have not convened a cross-border forum in almost a decade.

“In the middle of a housing and land supply crisis, we have a negligent government that continues to falter on its planning promises,” said Mr Cain.

“Without a proactive government to provide a clear strategy on delivering positive outcomes, Canberrans will continue to struggle with the increased costs-of-living and lack of available housing.

“This report bears significant consequences for ACT residents and emphasises that without improved management of the ongoing uncertainties of the Parkwood border issue, then the associated risks will mean thousands of Canberrans may be without housing.

“This is yet another symptom of a complacent and lethargic Labor-Greens Government,” Mr Cain concluded.