Public Hearings 'likely' for CIT investigation


The ACT Integrity Commissioner has today revealed in Estimates Hearings that it is highly likely there will be public hearings for the current CIT investigation that saw almost $9 million worth of contracts awarded to one contractor.

The statement came from the Commissioner following a question from Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee if the Commission was planning to hold public hearings for any current investigations.

“There is no doubt the current CIT contracts investigation has garnered a significant amount of interest from the Canberra community and it is not surprising it is likely public hearings will take place,” Ms Lee said.

“The Commissioner has made it clear the investigation is complex with plenty to look into, and it is concerning that he also stated the Integrity Commission is not being given the full resources and powers it needs to properly investigate these issues.”

The Commissioner revealed in the hearing that the Chief Minister has failed to respond to his request for a meeting regarding critical changes required in legislation, specifically telephone interception powers.

“The Commissioner has long called for telephone interception powers, and it is incumbent on the Labor-Greens government to adequately ensure the Commissioner is given what he needs to ensure thorough investigations.

“With more than a million documents related to the CIT investigation alone it is concerning for the Commissioner to state at the current time he is ‘significantly under resourced’,” Ms Lee concluded