Questions remain over reporting of corruption and fraud within ACTPS


During Estimates Hearings today the Head of Major Projects could not answer if at any stage he had reported maladministration, corruption, or fraud to the Head of Service as required under law, including the Campbell Primary Modernisation Project.

Following a question from Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee regarding the ACT Public Sector Management Act that relates to public sector conduct and requires a public servant to report corrupt or fraudulent behaviour the Head of Major Projects Duncan Edgill took the questions on notice. Mr Edghill confirmed he would not be able to provide the answer by the end of the hearing.

“It is concerning the Head of Major Projects is unable to recall something as significant as reporting maladministration, corruption or fraud to the Head of Service,” Ms Lee said.

“Major projects Canberra supported the Education Directorate to run the tender for the Campbell Primary Modernisation Project where the preferred tenderer was not selected.

“It is clear that the tender process for the Campbell Primary Modernisation Project that is now under investigation by the Integrity Commissioner should have raised alarm bells and at least been considered for reporting under the act.”

Head of Major Projects Duncan Edghill said the Campbell Primary Modernisation Projects was the only project he was aware of where the MPC recommendation was ignored and could not recall if he had advised the Head of Service over the matter.

“This raises significant questions about whether there are serious issues with procurement that are not being reported as required, Ms Lee said.

“It is also concerning that a recent 2021 ACT Government Employee Survey indicated four per cent of Major Projects staff had witnessed corruption at work and nothing was or could be done to address this alarming situation,” Ms Lee concluded.