Statement on Auditor-General’s Report into procurement for Acton Waterfront Project


This report once again highlights significant issues with procurement processes within the ACT Labor-Greens government and Canberrans should be concerned.

The report shows there was a complete failure of due process and highlights significant issues when it comes to transparency and governance when spending taxpayers’ money.

How can the public have any confidence that ACT Government procurements are firstly above board and secondly represent value for money.

This damning report comes on the back of recent issues with the Campbell Primary Modernisation project procurement and murky CIT contracts.

Earlier this year, the Integrity Commissioner came out very publicly and stated these integrity issues are rarely a one off and are likely to be endemic.

This is a systemic problem within the ACT Labor-Greens government who have fostered a culture of secrecy following 21 years in government.

It is clear the question is not if there will be further problems with ACT Government procurements but when and taxpaying Canberrans are the ones who are losing out.

This ACT Labor-Greens government is either unable or unwilling to address significant issues when it comes to integrity and procurement processes.

The Auditor-General points to areas under the control of the Chief Minister and he has some serious questions to answer, and he must come out and tell Canberrans what he is going to do to fix the problem.