Shadow Minister for Transport Mark Parton is keeping up the pressure on the ACT Labor-Greens government to provide the Canberra public with details on when the tram will be delivered to Woden and how much it will cost.
Mr Parton, who will put forward a motion in the Legislative Assembly today said the ACT Government has continually refused to make public an estimate of how much stage 2 of the tram will cost and when it will arrive in Woden.
“Labor and the Greens have the audacity to spend the money of hard working Canberrans, whilst keeping them in the dark on how much it will cost and when the project will be delivered,” Mr Parton said.
“The Minister and Chief Minister are more than happy to have a photoshoot with the shiny shovels to raise London Circuit for the tram but cannot or will not give the public simple details on cost and delivery.
“This government has not even produced a business case for Stage 2 but the Transport Minister has publicly stated they will build the tram regardless of what the business case states.
“It is not good enough for Labor and the Greens to continually spruik ‘light rail is coming’ to Woden but then refuse to tell Canberrans when the project will be completed or how much it will cost taxpayers.
“It is clear, this is a government that has no respect for the people of Canberra and my motion is very simple and calls on them to be transparent and provide the community with the answers they deserve,” Mr Parton concluded.