Canberra Liberals establish select committee on cost of living pressures


The ACT Legislative Assembly has agreed to establish a Select Committee on Cost-of-Living pressures facing Canberrans under pressure from Canberra Liberals leader Elizabeth Lee.

Whilst welcoming the establishment of the committee Ms Lee expressed disappointment at amendments made and agreed to by Labor and the Greens that would see a member of the ACT Greens chair the committee.

“What we have seen continually and even as recent as yesterday, is ACT Greens putting their political alliance with the Labor party above the community,” Ms Lee said.

"I have attempted multiple times this term to get support from Labor and the Greens to work with the Canberra Liberals on how we can address cost of living pressures facing thousands of Canberrans.

“This is the first time Labor and the Greens have agreed to a dedicated committee look into these important issues.

"How can Canberrans have any faith that a committee chaired by members of the Labor-Greens government act in the best interests of the community when they have been the driving force of the policy agenda for over 20 years and we have not seen things improve for our vulnerable Canberrans?

“The fact is that Labor and the Greens have been brought kicking and screaming to act on cost-of-living pressures because even they can no longer ignore the plight of thousands of Canberrans.

“The Canberra Liberals will continue to ensure those most vulnerable in our community are heard and the drivers and impacts of cost-of-living pressures are addressed.

“I look forward to the final report from the committee when it is put forward in May this year,” Ms Lee concluded.