Labor and the Greens fail ACT teachers and schools again


Labor and the Greens have voted against taking action on violence in ACT schools by voting down a motion put forward by Shadow Education Minister Jeremy Hanson that would see a Legislative Assembly Committee address principal workloads along with violence and threats of violence.

Mr Hanson said it is astounding that once again the Minister has failed to act and address serious concerns of violence in our schools following a recent report that shows ACT principals face the highest threats and levels of actual violence in Australia.

“I am very disappointing in the response by the Minister and the ACT Greens who are once again turning their back on our principals, teachers and students,” Mr Hanson said.

“The Minister has also failed to back the 10-point action plan put forward by the Australian Education Union to address these significant concerns of violence and problems facing ACT schools.

“If the Minister is taking action as she has claimed, why are there reports today that school staff are so frustrated they are ready to strike.

“We have seen no plan from the ACT Labor-Greens government to address principal safety and once again the Minister is big of reassurances but light on action.

“What we do know is that under this government school funding in the ACT has been cut in real terms over the last decade in order to pay for the tram.

“The Canberra Liberals will continue to take a zero tolerance approach on violence in our schools because we are focused on teachers not trams,” Mr Hanson concluded.