Canberra Liberals call for online sexual assault reporting option


Shadow Minister for Women Nicole Lawder will today move a motion calling on the ACT Government to introduce a streamlined, accessible online sexual assault reporting option available in various languages for victim survivors.

The online option would allow victim survivors to report their experiences online, either anonymously, or they can self-identify and request that the matter is investigated further.

“We know that sexual assaults are widely underreported and by providing another avenue for victim survivors to report offences we can help address this issue on a range of fronts,” Ms Lawder said.

“Helping victim survivors take this first step in an environment that suits them, improving police understanding about sexual assault and getting a clearer picture of just how prevalent this issue really is, are just some of the ways that an online reporting option can benefit the ACT.

“Earlier this year we saw the impact that the introduction of an online sexual assault reporting option had in NSW. The uptake was immediate and immense, with many victim survivors using it as an opportunity to share their experiences in an environment that they feel comfortable in, without re-traumatising themselves.

“Currently sexual assault in the ACT can be reported in person by visiting a police station or over the phone. There is an online option for historical sexual assault, but it isn’t as accessible as the NSW version, nor does it allow for current day reporting.

“By introducing an online sexual assault reporting option, victim survivors in the ACT will have another way to share their experiences and ACT Policing will be given further insight into sexual assault matters.

“There are so many issues that contribute to the widespread underreporting of sexual assault. By introducing an accessible, streamlined online reporting option here in the ACT, we can provide victim survivors with another avenue to be heard,” Ms Lawder concluded.