Canberra Liberals will oppose the Planning Bill 2022


Shadow Minister for Planning and Land Management, Peter Cain, has announced the Canberra Liberals will oppose the Planning Bill 2022.

Mr Cain said the Bill in its current form reflects a complete and utter failure of the planning system review.

“The Planning Bill 2022 fails miserably to restore trust and confidence in the ACT planning system and confirms that the Labor-Greens government is planning for profit, not people,” Mr Cain said.

“The Planning Minister’s ardent refusal to consider reform of governance arrangements to meet community expectations on integrity has backfired.

“The proposed accumulation of authority in the hands of the same failing Planning Minister and Chief Planner who directed the review with limited Assembly oversight is irresponsible and undemocratic.

“The community were subjected to an insincere box-ticking consultation process and have simply not been listened to.

“The proposed reduction of third-party engagement in DA processes demonstrates this Bill has ignored the community, rather than been informed by them.

“The Bill is anti-community and anti-environment, and poses a severe threat to our unique Bush Capital and Garden City characteristics.

“The proposed ‘outcomes-focus’ approach will enable any development to be approved with minimal community input or Assembly oversight as long as it suits the Chief Minister’s agenda.

Mr Cain said the Bill in its current form is indefensible and called upon the government to withhold debating the Bill until the new Territory Plan and District Strategies are finalised.

“So long as this Bill fails to properly address integrity in governance, genuine consultation with community, and the protection of our city’s characteristics, the Canberra Liberals will not support it.”

Mr Cain said the Canberra Liberals are developing a strong planning policy to take to the next election in genuine consultation with community groups, industry bodies, and environmental advocates.

“As the capital of this great country, I want Australians to be proud that Canberra as their National Capital, and Canberrans even more so,” Mr Cain concluded.