Chief Minister refuses to clarify protections for political use of Canberrans’ data


In Budget Estimates hearings today, the Chief Minister refused to provide assurances that data analytics collected from government advertising would not be used for election campaigns.

In response to questions asked by Committee Chair, Mark Parton, and Canberra Liberals MLAs, Peter Cain and Leanne Castley, the Chief Minister refused to say what checks and balances are in place to protect the data of Canberrans from intentional or unintentional misuse.

“The risk that the digital and data analytics gathered from government marketing is used for election campaign purposes is a significant one,” Mr Cain said.

“The Chief Minister failed to explain if there are any substantive protections in place to ensure Canberrans’ digital data is not misused to inform the political campaigning of the Labor and the Greens.

“The government has engaged a $25 million media placement and advice contractor to deliver digital advertising and accumulate relevant data analytics for at least three years, which covers the next election period.

“The potential for ministers or ministerial staff to use the information and insights gathered through this contract to direct their political advertising campaigns in the upcoming ACT election appears to be considerable.

“I am not convinced by the Chief Minister’s responses today that he or his government has appropriate safeguards against the mishandling of Canberrans’ data and protection of Canberrans’ digital privacy.”

“The Canberra Liberals’ leader, Elizabeth Lee, first raised concerns about this back in February, yet it appears the government has continued headfirst with no consideration of the integrity risks.”

“Once again, the Chief Minister demonstrates that integrity and accountability are merely paid lip service by his government,” Mr Cain concluded.