Shadow Health Minister, Leanne Castley, has raised concerns about the continued high rates of golden staph infection in ACT public hospitals.
Provisional figures provided by the Health Minister to a question on notice from Budget Estimates reveal there were 45 cases of golden staph at Canberra public hospitals in 2022-23, the same number as in 2021-22.
Ms Castley said the figures sourced from the relevant infection control units show there were 31 cases at the Canberra Hospital, 13 at the former Calvary Public Hospital and only 1 case at the University of Canberra Hospital.
“The ACT was the only jurisdiction in Australia which exceeded the nation benchmark for golden staph infections - a poor reflection on the Labor-Greens Government,” Ms Castley said.
“The last two years have seen a 40 per cent increase in golden staph infections in ACT public hospitals – up from 32 cases in 2019-20, to 45 cases in 2021-22 and 2022-23.
“All-cause mortality figures also provided by the Health Minister showed, that in the three years from 2019-20 to 2021-22, at least 16 patients who had also had a golden staph infection had died within 30 days of their healthcare.
“I call on the Minister to explain why the ACT remains the worst jurisdiction for golden staph infection and tell Canberrans what she is doing to fix the problem.”
Ms Castley also highlighted that 29 per cent of Canberra Health Services staff had not yet completed their mandatory annual hand hygiene training.
“We know CHS staff are overworked and under a lot of pressure. It is essential that they be given the time to do this training,” Ms Castley concluded.