Lee to bring cabinet documents bill on for debate


Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee will today bring on for debate her bill calling for cabinet documents to be released within 30 days of a cabinet decision. Currently, this Labor-Greens government does not release cabinet documents for 10 years.

Ms Lee, who first released the bill in May last year said it is clear there is a culture of secrecy and a lack of transparency fostered under this ACT Labor-Greens government that has been in power for over 20 years.

“Just recently we have seen $76 million and counting wasted on a failed HR system that no doubt would have been brought to light sooner under a transparent government,” Ms Lee said.

“There was also secrecy from this Labor-Greens government around the decision to compulsory acquire Calvary Hospital and to introduce drugs laws as well as a number of scathing Auditor-General Reports on government procurement and projects.

“My bill strikes the right balance between providing necessary transparency while also giving exemptions to documents not in the public interest.

“Canberrans deserve and expect a government that is open and transparent when it comes to decisions that affect them and especially when it comes to wasting taxpayers’ money.

“The Canberra Liberals take transparency seriously and if elected in October 2024 will adopt this position and release cabinet documents within 30 days.

“Labor and especially the Greens talk a big game on accountability and transparency and my bill provides an opportunity for them to show how much they do care about it.

“If this Labor-Greens government has nothing to hide and is serious about being transparent with Canberrans they must support this bill,” Ms Lee concluded.

New Zealand, also a unicameral parliament must proactively release cabinet documents within 30 business days after final decisions are made by cabinet unless deemed not in the public interest.