Canberra Liberals call for suburban maintenance strategy to clean up neglected suburbs


Shadow Minister for City Services Nicole Lawder will today move a motion calling on the ACT Labor-Greens government to develop a surburban maintenance strategy to improve the cleanliness of Canberra suburbs.

Following ongoing community concerns, the Canberra Liberals believe it’s time for the Labor-Greens government to start prioritising suburban maintenance.

“For years now, we have been hearing from residents about the slipping standards of suburban maintenance throughout Canberra,” Ms Lawder said.

“Whether it’s overgrown grass, pothole plagued roads or broken play equipment being left unusable for months, Canberrans are rightly tired of their neighbourhoods being neglected.

“Despite repeated community complaints, the Labor-Greens government has failed to adequately prioritise this issue. Basic local services only get minor additional investment when the Labor-Greens Government has no choice but to listen to the barrage of community outrage.

“Take mowing for instance, the Labor-Greens government only acted following enormous community pressure to do so. Yet despite this, they’ve refused to make the rapid mowing response team a permanent initiative, irrespective of Assembly committee reports recommending just that.

“Residents put in the time and effort to make their households presentable and to maintain the nature strips as required. It’s time this Labor-Greens government started focusing on cleaning up our neighbourhoods,” Ms Lawder concluded.