Canberra Liberals condemn Albanese Government for commissioning review into moving AIS out of Canberra


Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee will today call on all members of the Legislative Assembly to affirm their support and commitment that the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) remain in Canberra.

The motion also calls on the Assembly to condemn the Albanese Government for creating uncertainty by commissioning a review to look into moving the AIS out of Canberra, despite the Australian Sports Commission already knocking back the proposal.

Ms Lee said the rightful home of the AIS is in the nation’s capital.

“The AIS benefits the ACT greatly through facilities, employment, tourism, major events, and elite sports pathways for Canberrans and remains an important part of our city,” Ms Lee said.

“It is incredibly disappointing to see the Federal Labor Government recently announce a review which will look into the proposal to relocate the AIS to Queensland.

“As an institution of national significance, the AIS must remain in the ACT, and it is incumbent on all MLAs to affirm their support and tell the Albanese Government that as an Assembly we do not condone any move or discussion to move the AIS from Canberra.

“Following the 2022 federal election, Andrew Barr and his colleagues were adamant the ACT would receive a better deal under a federal Labor government. Not only has that not transpired but it is now considering moving a national institution out of the ACT.”

Ms Lee said documents released under freedom of information show that relocating the AIS would cost in excess of $1 billion, take more than four years, and pose substantial risk to the organisation and athlete preparation for the upcoming Commonwealth, Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“There appears to be very little benefit of moving the AIS out of Canberra that will also come at a significant cost for taxpayers, so it is disappointing to see this proposal even being considered, particularly after it was already rejected by the Australian Sports Commission.

“The Canberra Liberals do not condone the Albanese government contemplating moving the AIS out of Canberra and all Labor and Greens members should condemn this move that is creating uncertainty for Canberra, our athletes, and the nation,” Ms Lee concluded