Elizabeth Lee to announce $100 million policy to upgrade Canberra’s neglected suburbs


In a speech at the National Press Club today outlining her vision for Canberra in the lead up to the 2024 ACT election, Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee will announce a $100 million policy aimed at upgrading Canberra’s neglected suburbs.

Under this policy, every suburb in Canberra will be eligible for additional funding for local community projects that will directly benefit local residents, local neighbourhood areas and the local environment.

Ms Lee said this is not business as usual, it is about investing Canberrans’ hard-earned rates directly back into their suburb.

“This funding will be aimed at much needed community facilities that have for too long been neglected under this Labor-Greens government,” Ms Lee said.

“Our suburbs and neighbourhoods are the bedrock of our city. They are the places where we live, where we bring up our children, where we socialise with friends and family, go to school and where we come together as a community.

“It is in our suburbs, the heart of our community, where I start building my vision for a better Canberra.”

The Putting Your Suburb First policy will allocate funding based on the number of households in each suburb, with a larger amount focussed on the bigger, older suburbs. Residents will be able to make a case for funding for their local neighbourhoods based on what they need.

“This policy recognises that each Canberra suburb is unique and it’s the people who live there that know what their community needs. This policy will put the choice firmly in the hands of the community on what they want to see in their own suburb.

“The ACT Labor-Greens government has neglected our suburbs for far too long and their own Better Suburbs program has been more smoke and mirrors as highlighted by the current sorry state of many of our suburbs.”

In her press club address Ms Lee will outline her priority areas which includes;

  • Investing in frontline workers
  • Creating a world class health system
  • Developing a nation leading education system
  • Providing genuine opportunities for home ownership
  • Making our city safer
  • Supporting small business, innovation and investment
  • Bringing the world’s best events to our capital
  • Moving our city forward with a practical transport system
  • Looking after our environment and wildlife; and
  • Getting the basics right.

“In one-year Canberrans will have a choice between a fresh, energetic Liberal team that I lead, and an arrogant, out of touch Labor-Greens government,” Ms Lee said.

“Canberra deserves a government that does not take the community for granted and a government that will genuinely listen and govern in the best interests of the people that is serves.

“Today is just the beginning and I look forward to making further announcements as we head towards the election in October next year,” Ms Lee concluded