Parton calls on Labor-Greens government to be upfront about the real cost of the tram


Shadow Transport Minister Mark Parton will move two motions in the Legislative Assembly today calling on the Labor-Greens government to table the full costings, including all enabling work for light rail stage 2A along with the full costings and timeframe for stage 2B.

Mr Parton will also call on the Transport Minister to publicly admit that the R4 and R5 services will not continue if Stage 2B of the tram is ever completed and that most public transport travel times from the south will increase as a consequence.

“Late last year the Labor-Greens government released their costings for the delivery of stage 2A of $577 million,” Mr Parton said.

“This does not include the total cost of the work for stage 2A, including raising London Circuit, upgrades to the depot and purchasing more light rail vehicles which will put the cost of stage 2A at over $800 million for an extension of just 1.7km.

“It is clear that the Labor-Greens government have not been upfront with ACT taxpayers over the true cost and timeframe of stage 2A which will also not be delivered until at least 2028, four years later than what was first announced.

“The Chief Minister is also asking Canberrans to write a blank cheque for Stage 2B of the light rail to Woden without a completion date and it is time he provides that information.”

In a separate motion, Mr Parton will also highlight that should Stage 2B ever be completed bus services will be cut and travel times to the south of Canberra will increase.

“Currently the rapid bus from Woden to Civic takes 15 minutes, that will increase to 32 minutes on the light rail.

“The Canberra Liberals are focussed on delivering transport outcomes that will get Canberrans where they want to go when they want to get there,” Mr Parton concluded.