Planning Minister’s use of controversial call-in powers highlights lack of faith in new planning system


Shadow Minister for Planning Peter Cain has criticised the use of the controversial soon-to-be scrapped Ministerial call-in powers by the Planning Minister on a development in Denman Prospect, as an indication that the new planning system is not up to scratch.

Mr Cain said the use of Ministerial call-in powers, which will be explicitly dropped in the new planning system is very disappointing and once again highlights the Labor-Greens governments’ lack of transparency and consultation with the community.

“This is a clear sign that the Planning Minister has no faith in the new planning system to properly assess and approve major developments such as Stromlo Reach,” Mr Cain said.

“While I am glad that the Minister and Labor-Greens government finally recognise that Canberra desperately needs more housing, it appears the new Minister has simply picked up where his predecessor left off.

“If the Planning Minister was serious about addressing the housing supply shortage, he would amend the government’s unambitious copy of the Canberra Liberals’ dual occupancies policy and release more land for multi-unit and detached housing.

“The Canberra Liberals have continually called on the Labor-Greens government to release more land for housing which has been blocked at every turn.

“By squeezing in one last use of these call-in powers, the Planning Minister shows he has no regard for transparency and no regard for due process, Mr Cain concluded.