Elizabeth Lee launches campaign to address rising levels of crime in Watson


Canberra Liberals Leader and Member for Kurrajong Elizabeth Lee has launched a campaign to address the rising levels of crime in Watson.

Ms Lee has heard from a large number of Watson residents who are concerned about their safety with some too scared to leave their homes or visit the local shops.

“So many Watson residents have been in touch with me over the last few weeks very concerned about the increased levels of crime and the safety of not only themselves but their family members and neighbours, especially near the shops,” Ms Lee said.

“When I came to Watson just a week ago to talk to residents about this issue, many raised the lack of police resources that have been provided to the hardworking officers on the frontline and the lack of a genuine response from the Labor-Greens government.

“Some of the stories I have heard are very concerning, with Watson residents being regularly threatened walking to the local shops, thieves breaking into cars and homes along with other property damage. Many locals have told me that they have now stopped visiting the shops and it is having a huge impact on local traders.

“Despite these concerns being raised with the ACT Labor-Greens government residents have received no understanding, no empathy and no action in relation to their concerns about feeling safe in their own homes. It is distressing for many people currently living in Watson including some of our most vulnerable Canberrans,”

Ms Lee has sponsored a petition in the ACT Legislative Assembly that calls for adequate resourcing for police in order to make their presence visible and regular, ensure ACT Housing upholds its obligations to manage any known and repeated anti-social behaviour in accordance with law and ensure that repeat offenders are held to account to protect the community.

“As local member for this area I have been listening to the communities’ concerns and I hear them loud and clear. I have also made representatives to the relevant Ministers and I will continue to advocate for my constituents on this issue.

“It is not right that Watson residents don’t feel safe in their own homes, and it is not right that they and business owners don’t feel safe at their locals shops,” Ms Lee concluded.

Petition can be found here: https://epetitions.parliament.act.gov.au/details/e-pet-006-24