Stage 2A of the tram to cost Canberrans over $1.46 billion


Answers from Andrew Barr to Questions on Notice following the Budget Review committee hearing have revealed that the total for stage 2A of the tram is anticipated to cost Canberrans more than $1.46 billion.

Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee said the total cost for delivering stage 2A of the tram, only 1.7km of track is astronomical and well above the $577 million previously announced by Andrew Barr.

“The total cost of delivering stage 2A is almost three times what Andrew Barr said it would cost. It will cost Canberra taxpayers almost $1 million per metre of track,” Ms Lee said.

“That is equivalent to all Canberrans paying no rates for almost two years.

“Andrew Barr boasts that the federal government is contributing 50/50 of the cost of stage 2A, but what this shows is that the with them contributing $288.5 million, it is actually less than 20 per cent of the total cost.

“Canberrans should be very concerned about the true costs of this project and the impact this will have on the Territory’s skyrocketing debt, which will reach over $18 billion in the forward estimates, costing the ACT almost $2 million a day in interest repayments alone.

“Andrew Barr has already flagged increasing own source revenue to contribute to the cost of this project. He must be upfront with Canberrans about how much he will be slugging them in extra taxes and charges whilst many are facing a cost-of-living crisis.

“And the worst part of this revelation is that once again, we see Andrew Barr not being upfront in the budget papers about the astronomical hit to Canberra taxpayers hip pockets,” Ms Lee concluded.

Shadow Minister for Transport Mark Parton said it is now clear why the Labor-Greens government refuse to give any costings for stage 2B to Woden which is significantly further than 2A and a much more complex project.

“The figures we are now looking at for Stage 2B are mind blowing and the Labor-Greens government must tell Canberrans how much the tram to Woden will cost before the election,” Mr Parton said.

“With the rapid bus between Woden and Civic currently taking 15 minutes and that same journey anticipated to be over 30 minutes on the tram continuing with this project is madness.

“The Canberra Liberals are committed to providing a transport network that is cheaper, faster, greener and will get Canberrans where they want to go when they want to get there,” Mr Parton concluded.

On Background:

  • $52.2 million for early planning and design
  • $129.8 million for raising London Circuit
  • $265.4 million for supporting stage 2A delivery
  • $149.7 for new vehicles, depot expansion and retrofitting to enable wire free operations for stage 2A
  • $576.8 million for capital expenses
  • $168.2 million for maintenance and operation costs and,
  • $124 million for interest costs