Canberra Liberals announce further support and services for seniors


Shadow Minister for Seniors Nicole Lawder has today announced at the Seniors Expo a number of measures to support older Canberrans in the ACT.

Ms Lawder said approximately one in six of the ACT’s population is now 65 and over with projections anticipating this number will continue to grow.

“We have heard from a number of older Canberrans who have expressed to us that they require a range of different services and support,” Ms Lawder said.

“Whilst a Canberra Liberals Government will continue to support existing measures in place, our growing population of seniors require further services and we have announced a number of those today.

“The Labor-Greens government has continually failed to address a number of issues that affect seniors in the ACT and a Canberra Liberals Government will ensure our seniors receive the support and facilities they deserve.

A Canberra Liberals Government will commit to:

Seniors Expo and Grants Programs

  • 50% increase in funding to the annual Seniors Expo and introduction of a Community Consultation Forum to give voice to older Canberrans
  • 50% increase in funding to the annual Seniors Grant Program, with a focus on encouraging physical and social outdoor activities

Cost of Living Relief

  • FREE public transport for seniors and concession card holders ALL day, EVERY day
  • $100 registration rebate for passenger vehicles and caravans
  • Parking permits and reduced parking fees near Seniors facilities

Learn, Cook and Eat Program

  • Community led program to ensure Canberrans are able to maintain good nutrition as they grow older
  • Improve health and positive social connections
  • Recommended by Ministerial Advisory Council on Agein

Better Local Maintenance

  • Older Canberrans tell us they worry about trips and falls when out and want Improved streetlighting
  • Safer footpaths and regular path sweeping

Seniors Exercise Equipment

  • Support safe access to physical and social outdoor activities
  • Install equipment in 2 existing play spaces to encourage intergenerational use, close to amenities and community hubs.

Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee thanked Ms Lawder for her ongoing advocacy for seniors throughout her time in the Legislative Assembly.

“A Canberra Liberals Government will always value our seniors and the contributions they make to our city,” Ms Lee said.