Canberra Liberals Government will support a healthy environment in the ACT


A Canberra Liberals Government will provide ongoing funding for a full-time dedicated wildlife vet, increase operational funding to peak environmental groups, allocate land to wombat rescue, provide RSPCA ACT with a new home in Pialigo and provide additional funding for community garden grants as part of supporting a healthy environment in the ACT.

Leader Elizabeth Lee said many of Canberra’s grassroots community organisations that care for our environment and our native wildlife feel that they have been let down by the Labor-Greens Government.

“Canberra has a diverse and beautiful environment, and we are surrounded by natural bushland and waterways that are home to many native species,” Ms Lee said.

“A Canberra Liberals Government values the dedicated staff and volunteers who make a big difference to the ACT, and we are committed to ensuring they have the support they need in caring for our natural environment.

“This includes additional funding and providing the facilities they need to continue doing what they do best.”

Outgoing Shadow Minister for Environment Nicole Lawder has long fought for a new approach to improving water quality in Canberra’s lakes and waterways and a Canberra Liberals Government will invest $100 million over 10 years to address this issue.

“Our local lakes and waterways play a crucial role in the sustainability of our environment and our way of life,” Ms Lawder said.

“For too long Labor and the Greens have ignored advice from experts when it comes to the health of our waterways, and real investment in the way we manage our water is urgently needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of our environment.

“A Canberra Liberals Government want all Canberrans to enjoy our lakes and waterways and this can be achieved through this investment,” Ms Lawder concluded.

The Canberra Liberals will continue the pathway to net zero by 2045 which includes the expansion of EV chargers, rooftop solar and will continue to work with researchers and industry to meet these targets